Author: Yulia

I am a fulltime mother with two wonderful boys, and I have a very supportive husband. I am glad that I have the opportunity to raise my kids by my self and this opportunity is really a blessing from God.


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Isaiah 53:3-7 (NIV)

He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.

Easter is not only about finding and collecting Easter eggs!
Easter is not only about sending an Easter greeting card!
Easter is not only about Easter egg chocolate or Bunny Chocolate!
Easter is not only about decorating Easter Eggs!

When we talk about Easter, we talk about Sacrifice!
When we talk about Easter, we talk about Victory!
When we talk about Easter, we talk about Salvation!
When we talk about Easter, we talk about Freedom!
When we talk about Easter, we talk about Celebration!

While kids are enjoying their egg hunt, kids need to be thought the real meaning of Easter.

While you are sending an Easter card to your friends, you and your friends need to be reminded about Christ’s sacrifice, salvation and Victory!

Good Friday is coming soon and will be followed by Easter Sunday.
Time for us to take time to remember about God’s kindness and sacrifice and start to think about what we have done for God so far.

30 “When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” John 19:30 (NIV)

— Happy Easter —


“Oh, to see my name
Written in the wounds,
For through Your suffering I am free.
Death is crushed to death;
Life is mine to live,
Won through Your selfless love.”

“This, the pow’r of the cross:
Son of God-slain for us.
What a love! What a cost!
We stand forgiven at the cross.”

(From the song: The Power of The Cross, Keith Getty)


Why Smile?

“Your smile can save a distressed soul, gladden a sad heart, or heal a broken spirit. Have a blessed day.”

— Unknown quotes —


Here, at some traffic light, there are some Crossing Guards who are stand by to help people or bicycle to cross the street.

Well, it’s look a simple job but it is not!
They will need to stand up for  long hours either under the sun or in the raining time.
We take car everyday, so we will never cross the street and meet them.

There is one Crossing Guard that we always meet in the morning and we decide to try our best to give him smile when we pass through him.
Kids will waive hands to him too!

You know what? He really looks happy and smile.

This remind me to one old man who does cleaning on our home block at Singapore.

Since JJ first time started to go to school ( JJ was around 2.5 years old) , TT and I always wait him on the same place every day to pick him up from the school bus. TT was still around 10 months old during that time. And most of the time we will meet this uncle when he sat down there and took a rest.

This uncle will always smile and happily called TT and most of the time TT will smile to him.
When JJ arrived and before we came back to the house kids will say bye bye to this uncle.

It continued until TT started his school and until last year before we moved here. It had been around 4 years since the first time we met this uncle. My husband and I will always walked with our kids go to the MRT Station in the morning (go to school).
Though we will not meet this uncle everyday but, every time we met this uncle, this uncle was so happy!

He will say “Good morning, my little friends!”

And kids will answer him, ” Good morning, uncle!”

Not only that uncle who was happy but also our kids!

And our kids will not only give smile to this uncle but also to another uncle who also clean our block and to the taxi driver, waitress, bus driver, etc.

Sometime we thought that those people looks so fierce, not friendly, etc. But why don’t we are the one who start smile to them? Greet them. It will make their day!

Smile to them, they need it. They never ask for it, but they need it and they will be very grateful when some one greet them and smile to them.

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles.  It might be the only sunshine he sees all day”.

 ~by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. ~


— Don’t Stop, Keep Trying —

“Don’t be afraid to fail. Don’t waste energy trying to cover up failure. Learn from your failures and go on to the next challenge. It’s OK to fail. If you’re not failing, you’re not growing.” – H. Stanley Judd – 


Well, it is not easy when we have to accept the reality that we fail on something.

I have always told my kids that it is ok if you fail on something, it is not the end of everything. I even wrote a post on 2012 about this. Please refer to my old post: Learn From Your Failures.

I am not new on driving a car. I had my experience driving car in Indonesia and Australia. But I have never drive any cars since we moved to Singapore 9 years ago. Singapore has a very good transportation system that make me feel that I don’t need to drive there. I even never renew my driving license since year 2009. Until one day, my husband got transfer to USA and we move here.

Here I am and I need car here. I need to drive my kids to school and  buy groceries. Well, I need to drive but I will  need to take both written driving test and Behind the Wheels driving test. I passed my written test and I got a permit to drive but with someone to accompany me until I pass my behind the wheels driving test.

There are many new rules that I need to learn since it is different from Indonesia and Australia, and some more the driver is on the left side here and we will need to drive on the right side of the road. It is the biggest different. Well I have to adapt.

It was the time that I need to take behind the wheels driving test and I was nervous. I always nervous when I need to do any TEST. I don’t like TEST 😀

And I did two mistakes on the test and it might be two serious mistakes so that the examiner asked me to go back to the DMV straight away and I failed.

Well, I was so sad and my husband kept encourage me. I was still sad though but I know that I need to hang on there 🙂 some of my friends encouraged me as well. When the kids came back from school, they knew that I fail on my driving test and they made my day 😀

JJ asked me what mistake that I made 😀 and he gave me some advices how to drive better next time 😀

While TT tried to made me smile with his funny acts.

My husband told me that it is good that I fail so that kids also can learn how to deal with failure. And I have the sample of failure that they aware that it happened to me.

On the church, one of our friend who heard about my failure in behind the wheels driving test, came to me and offer his help to accompany me practicing my driving while my husband in his office. I really appreciate it. And I always what he said to me, “Hang on there, Yulia, you can do it!”

Instead of staying in my sadness and disappointment, I choose to cheer up!

I did my second test and Thanks God, I passed. Now that I can help my husband, driving kids to school, do my own groceries, and have my MeTime 😀

Well, this is not the first time I fail on something. I share about this because this was the recent failure that I have. Before, I faced so many failure. If I can say, my failure on my driving test is the small one. I have ever failed on relationship, on my job, on my study, etc. But I know that I should not leave in my past and have to move on. Well, I still hang on there because I am not alone. I went through my life which is up and down together with my God who give me strength and together with my husband, my kids and people surround me who always love and encourage me.

It’s okay to fail, you always can try it again. It is your choice to give up or hang on there and keep trying. Thanks God that I didn’t give up and try it again.

Trying to see on the positive side of our failures is the best thing to do.

What we can learn from our failure:

  1. Knowing that failure can make us be more careful and try not to do the same mistake.
  2. Learning how to hang on there and not give up so easily.
  3. Knowing that some people really there to support us.
  4. Failure will teach us not to give up easily.
  5. You are prepared to be stronger for the next problem / failures.

Please feel free to add some more points for what we can learn from our failure on the comment below.

Same for you… If you are facing any problems or you are failing on something and you feel that you are going to give up, Please Don’t! Hang on there! Keep Trying! 

Quotes from my husband:  

“It’s okay to fail. If you never fail, you’ll never learn”

Because They Love and They Care

“Even the smallest act of caring for another person is like a drop of water – it will make ripples throughout the entire pond” – Jessy and Bryan Matteo

Valentine talks about Love. What kind of love? Is it only for couples who are in love? Well, I think it is not. Valentine can be celebrated with someone you love and it is not necessarily to be your girlfriend, boyfriend or your spouse. It can be your friends or other people.

Why should I related valentine and Firefighters here?  Well there is the story behind this and make me want to write about this.

We were so impress with how they love and commit into their job. They are so caring and loving kind person. My kids has always loved firefighters. They see firefighters as their heroes. And we have never thought of meeting up or even talking with them in person. Until, it happened….

It was last month, when TT had a high fever. For us, it is very high fever, reached around105F-105.8F. The fever kept going up from 103F to 105F within half an hour. Honestly we were so panic. The fever medicine didn’t really help on that time. We called 24 hours health consultant and they suggested us to call 911. We did it.

Surprisingly, the one who came was not the ambulance but the firefighters. My husband was the one who opened the door for them and said: “Sorry, but we didn’t call firefighters, we called ambulance.” 😀

It is something new for us that the firefighters will come and help us in this kind of situation. We just moved here less than two months at that time, and we don’t really familiar with the situation here. They explained to us.  Oh well, now we understand. They were three firefighters who came to our place with medical equipment and did some check on TT before the Ambulance came. They were Brian Pease (The Captain), Brett Gainey and Raiden Williams. ( I have got permission from them to mention their name here).

That time JJ was sleeping and TT was crying as he felt his body aching. Brett sat down close to TT and tried to comfort him. Checked TT’s temperature, gave him stickers and kept talk to TT while Raiden did some check on TT. In the mean time, JJ woke up, and Brett also tried to talk to JJ. They tried to make kids feel better. Meanwhile, Brian was downstairs as he needed to park the Fire Engine and he also came up and stayed with us afterward.

At the end the EMS came and brought TT to hospital. We cannot remember the EMS staffs’ name but they also did a great job. Once we reached the hospital, El Camino Hospital, the nurses did their job very fast and we were happy to have Dr Jonathan, around. I was blank that I didn’t even notice any name of people who helped us. I didn’t even remember all the name of the firefighters who came and helped us at the first place.

TT and JJ kept asking us to find those firefighters because they wanted to meet them. And yes, of course my husband and I also wanted to meet them because we really want to say thank you to them. They are really awesome. They sincerely helped and cared about us. They did a well done job, helped the citizen who needs help.

As we tried to find them, we called the Santa Clara County Fire Department and visited one of Fire Department near our place. We are glad that they helped us to find who was on duty in our case. They found it and give us their names and the address. Finally we were there, at Cupertino Fire Department.

They welcomed us and they really love kids. We really grateful that we can know them and they welcomed us when we visited them. They still remember us, and even Raiden remember that TT loves Penguin.

They play and spent time with our kids. We really appreciate it, because I believe that they must be very tired, because when we arrived there and visited them, they just came back from their duty.

valentine 3

Deep down in our heart, we really salute, respect and honor to them. Not only to them but also their family. They work to serve the citizen and country, and they even need to stay overnight at the station while they must be missing their family. Moreover, when there is fire, they even have to risking their own safety to save people.

Seeing our kids were so happy, make us happy too! As we can see that those three Firefighter were so happy too seeing our kids healthy and enjoying their time at the Fire Station. JJ gave them so many questions and they answered him 😀  Well I think I don’t need to describe what questions that JJ gave to them, but you can guess and imagine what kind of questions that can came from this little boy. At the end JJ said that he wants to become a fire fighter and TT said he wants to become a doctor.

They get this helmets and sticker badge from them and play as firefighters at home. whenever JJ and TT play this, JJ will acts as Reiden and TT as Brett.


Well, my kids will have my full support if they really want to become a Firefighter and a Doctor. But kids, they will still change their dream.

But still I really hope that JJ and TT can learn something from these Firefighters: HELP, CARE and LOVE others. Not only JJ and TT who need to learn but also me and you 😉

Thank you Brian, Brett and Rayden. Thank you for being there for us at that time. Thank you Cupertino Fire Department and thank you EMS Santa Clara County for your prompt action to help TT.

Especially Thank you to God who always watch over us and bless us with wonderful people around us 🙂

On this valentine day, some people including firefighters, will still need to work 24 hours and serve others. They will not spend their Valentine Day with their loved ones. But I believe, deep inside their heart and their family, they are happy as they can show their love by helping others on this Valentine Day.

We believe that they are happy when they can help others and see other people smile 🙂

And on this Valentine day, I would like to say Happy Valentine to all of you. Not only to my husband and my kids, not only to my family and friends, but also to all of you out there who read my post, including all firefighters, doctors, nurses, policemen and all other people who sacrifice their precious time to help others.

Not only because of their duties, I believe that Firefighters are helping people because of Love and Care for others.

Last but not least, Love your God and love others.



“Firefighters are some of the most selfless public servants you will ever encounter.” – Denis Leary


Kids and The Library

Finally, here we are! The Library!

It’s been sometime since we moved here, kids has  been asking us to bring them to the library.

That’s one of kids’ favorite place. Books, activity and audio! This is the first time we had chance to go to the public library here.. This is the most beautiful library that I have ever visited. So big, so clean and so comfortable. They even have a little playground with books theme. Kids can learn how to use computer as well inside this library. They provide very good computer applications that kids can learn a lot from those computers. They also provide some education activities and toys for kids.


While JJ sticked with the computer, TT was busy exploring everything in this library… He read book, he played a while in the playground and play other things inside the library. But at the end JJ left the computer station and started to find some books too! Well, both of them really enjoyed to be in this Library.



Other than them, not forgetting the daddy who is also a book lover 😀 Both kids love books… Where do they get it from? Well not from me.. From their daddy for sure 😀


It is always good to encourage our kids to love reading books. And they also have their little library corner in their room. Moreover, in JJ’s school, one of the daily homework is reading log for 10 minutes and kids can choose their own books. Since then, JJ loves to read book more than before, and so does his little brother.

Library is one of many good places for our kids to spend their time. Love this library so much and will come back here for sure!!!

“Libraries allow children to ask questions about the world and find the answers. And the wonderful thing is that once a child learns to use a library, the doors to learning are always open.” – Laura Bush –

Teachers….. You will never be forgotten….

Happy teachers' day

Early this year, when I came back to my hometown, I purposely visited my Kindergarten School and my Primary School in my hometown. Not much changing on the building and the class rooms. But I only met two Primary School teachers. One of them is my favorite teacher. She didn’t recall me at the first but then she started to remember me hahahah How? I am not that kind of quite student………. Active? yeah hahaha…

Surprisingly, when I visited my kindergarten school, expected all my teachers will not be there anymore because it was more than 30 years ago. They supposed retired already. And one of the teacher told me that there is still one teacher who is still teaching since my years time in this kindergarten until now. But she was off that day and out of town for training, so that I have no chance to meet her.

I clearly remember all my teachers’ name because they are important for me. They are good teachers. I really glad that I was before being taught by them in school.

Same applies to my kids. They are still in their kindergarten years now. It was not easy that they had to started their school years earlier than mine last time. Though it is for fun but I believe it is not easy for them especially during the pre-nursery and nursery years. They even had to took the school bus. But I am glad that so far so good. Why? I believe that their teachers have a very important role to make my kids love to go to school.

Sometime they will ask “Why it is not Monday yet” 😀

Teachers have very important role for our kids. Including our Chinese tuition teachers, Sunday School teachers, Music teachers, Swimming Coach, etc.

What I learn as a parent then?

  • Trust teachers to ‘educate’ our kids.
  • Support teachers in any tasks that they give to our kids
  • Build a good relationship with teachers

Until now, we  even still keep in touch with my sons’ pre-nursery teacher. She is a very good teachers and both my kids were under her care. But we really feel grateful that our kids are under very good teachers in their school years so far.

We Just came back from long holiday and it was a long flight. My plan was to let them go back to school a day after they came back home. And it was just nice on the Teacher’s Day celebration at school.

But that is not what they want. They want to go to school once they come back. Miss their friends? Of course! But they also miss their teachers.

Yes… they love to go to school…. and one more thing…….. they love and enjoy doing their homework. So far… there is no complaint from them about their homework. Some time they even ask more and I have bought some activity books for them (they choose those books them selves).

Teachers have very important roles to make our kids love their school. And I am so happy that my kids have their best teachers so far.

Happy Teacher’s Day to all teachers all over the world 🙂

“Teachers who love teaching, teach children to love learning.”                                 – Robert John Meehan

The Anniversary of The Imperfect Couple

“A happy marriage doesn’t mean you have a perfect spouse or a perfect marriage. It simply means you’ve chosen to look beyond the imperfections in both.” (-Fawn Weaver)

When I was young, I love to watch the romantic serial, which at the end, will happily ever after, meet their prince charming, meet their dream girls. The knot the ties and married. After that?

On the big day:

  • Man = Prince and Woman = Princes
  • Holly Matrimony
  • Party
  • Happiness
  • Pictures and Video, etc.

It’s just a beginning 😉 Long journey ahead………….


Under the same roof:

  • Two people with two different background
  • Two Imperfect persons stay together
  • Two people with two different habit
  • Two people with two different opinion
  • Two people with two different way of thinking, etc.

After A while: 

  • Joking and laugh
  • Angry and disappointed
  • Argument and quarrel
  • Give in and love, etc

Children Coming: 

  • Another commitment in time and money
  • House become merrier
  • Laughing, joking, happiness
  • Crying, quarrel, angry
  • Family time

Time flies so fast………………………………………………

7 years ago, one imperfect man met one imperfect woman. They know that both of them are imperfect, but LOVE make them want to be together.

Some people told me that how lucky I am that I have a very happy marriage and family.

I want you to know that our marriage is the same as others. Of course, our marriage is full of happiness, laugh and love, however, we also encounter some problems, big and small. We also have arguments, big and small. We also quarrel because of big or small problems. We also have to adjust towards each others.

My husband and I believe that only God’s love that ties us become one until now. Though so many problems that we have been through it, but we are still together, with our weakness and imperfectness. There is love.

Forgive and forgive and forgive, that what we need in our marriage. Forgiveness also has an important role in our marriage. Acceptance is also another one. And also LOVE towards each other. However, the most important here is the existence of God’s love.

“A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers.” (-Ruth Bell Graham)

We went through good and bad, happiness and sadness all together.  Not easy though. But together with God, we can go through all.

Imperfectness that we both have, might have made this family imperfect, however, God’s plan is always perfect 🙂

This marriage and this family has been through it all because God loves this marriage and this family.

‘In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony.” (Eva Burrows quotes)

And Finally, 1 + 1 become 4.


Regardless of my imperfect marriage and imperfect family, I am happy to have my husband and my sons in my life 🙂

Thanks God for our 7th years wedding anniversary. We need God’s grace and roles more and more for our marriage journey ahead

Remember, there is no perfect married because marriage involve two imperfect people. And problem in marriage will always be there to color our marriage. Don’t let the problem stopping us to love our marriage and family. One thing to remember to always involve God in our marriage and we will go through all together. Just to know that God’s plan for us is always perfect 🙂 

Hope this post will bless other couples.

“A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.” – (Dave Meurer)



Two Little boys say about their Daddy!

I always tell my kids that they should be grateful as they have a very good daddy who always willing to spend time with them every day after his tiring day in his office. And I can see that the strong bonding between them.

daddy's day

On this special occasion, I did a little interview to my two little kids 🙂
Mama: Do you love your daddy?
JJ: Yes!
Matt: Yes!
Mama: What do you like about your daddy?
JJ: Papa is the boss and Papa is so funny like a clown!
TT: He is the funny man, he looks like a clown and some more, Papa can do balance!
Mama: What do you like to play with your daddy?
JJ: Play fighting and Animal Kaiser
TT: Lego Star Wars, Ninja Go, Candy Crush, Showman, Animal Kaiser, Spiderman and Batman.
Mama: What will you buy for Papa on this Father’s day if you have some money?
JJ: Computer and Pen
TT: Shirt and Pencil
Mama: Anything that you want to say to Papa on this Father’s day?
JJ: Papa is the Super Papa!
TT: Papa is very cool!

 We have something to give to the Daddy! 

dino daddy

Note to the Daddy………..

Please always be wise saving your money in this coin bank so that we can have our next holiday trip 😀

Hi dads, all of you have an important role in shaping the character of your children and give your children a wonderful childhood for your kids!

“Walk With Me Daddy”

Walk alongside me, daddy
and hold my little hand.
I have so many things to learn
that I don’t yet understand.

Teach me things to keep me safe
from dangers every day.
Show me how to do my best
at home, at school, at play.

Every child needs a gentle hand
to guide them as they grow.
So walk alongside me, daddy –
We have a long way to go.

 Author: Helen Bush

Happy Father’s Day to all Daddy around the world.

“I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.”

 Sigmund Freud –

Oh No! TIME is so FAST!!!

Time flies so fast for me, apparently, it is not fast for this little boy.

TT: “Mama, why I am not 4 years old yet? I want  to be four years old, Mama!”

Mama: “Why? You want to be so fast to be 4 years old, but Mama doesn’t want you to grow old so fast!”

This conversation happened around three months ago. How he wish to be four years old soon on that time! And not for me! Sometime when I saw a little kid, I will remember when JJ and TT were very small back then. Especially when they started to stand up and walk 😉

The best part of birthday for him is that he feel that he is a big boy, can give gifts to his friends and also can choose his birthday cake character. Of course not forgotten about choosing his own birthday presents.

This year, on his birthday, the daddy brought us to go to The Singapore Zoo (again) same as last year :D. The different is that he will also “celebrate” with Jia Jia and Kia Kia at The River Safari. He is looking forward for it. And so does his brother, JJ.

Before we went to The River Safari and Singapore Zoo, he celebrated his birthday with his school friends and also with his favorite teachers. He was so happy. And we straight away went to the zoo once we finished the birthday celebration.

Yeah, it is our tradition that on JJ and TT’s birthday, they will only attend the school to celebrate their birthday with their classmates and teachers. After finishing celebrate their birthday, we will take them to go somewhere to celebrate their birthday as a family. We know that once they go to the Primary School already, we cannot any how take them from their school only for Birthday celebration 🙂

Well, he is now four years old. Time flies.

Matt's birthday 4 yo2

I hope that he will grow become a good boy, lovely boy, wise man, good man and always glorify God.

Happy birthday TT……………………….

God loves you……………………………..

We love you (especially JJ) …………..




God bless you my dear…………………

Don’t you know that you are good on make people laugh and smile? Don’t you realize that God has blessed you with that special gift?

you are good on make people laugh and smile!

God blesses you with that special gift

May your day will always be filled with joy that you give to others

Happy Birthday!!!!


                  TT’s motto: ” I love to make people laugh”

On this Mother’s Day

“I love being a mother. It has its ups and downs but there’s no better feeling than unconditional love from my children. “
(Unknown quotes)
kids and I
Mothers’ day…
People will start to talk about the love of mothers, unconditional love.
It is so true that Mothers’ love is the best and also unconditional love.
But on this year, I realize so many things.. Let me do some listings:
Mommy – Not a good chef.
Kids – Never complain
Mommy – Sometime lost patient
Kids – Never complain
Mommy – sometime pick up late from school
Kids – Complain sometime but never angry
Mommy – Happen before forget to come to school to watch their show
Kids – Never mind mama, next time don’t forget, okay
Mommy – Forget to prepare their crafts for school (Happened before)
Kids – It’s okay, I did other things in the class, mama.
Most of the time, they satisfy with what they have. Of course they want this and that, whatever their friends have, they also ask me to buy for them. And of course most of the time I also need to reject their request. But they are fine. Never nagging.
Recently, happened that I was too careless until TT got hurt on his finger. It was very bad, very painful, and he had to be brought to hospital with Ambulance and his finger needed to be stitched. When I said sorry to him because I was too careless, he answered me, ” IT’S OKAY, MAMA”
My tears all down, and some more, he was still able to smile at me even though he was in pain.
And on this mother day, I would like to share how I am so grateful having these two boys of mine, who always shower me with their unconditional love. All thanks to God.
They are not two perfect boys, but they are two amazing boys that God has given and entrusted to my husband and me, and we need to raise them properly, so that in each of their growth, they shall always glorify God.
As I am also not a perfect mommy, but I have my boys who always accept me as I am.
Happy Mothers’ day to all Mothers all around the world ^_^
“My sons love me no matter what, they make me smile, make me laugh, bring joy to my heart. When I need hugs and kisses from them, they will always be there. They really love me no matter what. ”