Month: December 2012

Back to the past habit : Christmas Card

“Thanks be to God for His unspeakable Gift–
precious beyond words”.
–Lois Lebar

It’s been more than twenty years ago, I have stopped sending Christmas cards to others.

I have handphone.. I can sent them an sms.. Save my time and save my money.

That was what in my mind back then.

I still received some Christmas cards up to now, from my Insurance agent, bank, etc. But most of the time, I will get an sms or an email as the Christmas greeting. And some of my friends, including me, will just share on our Facebook wall to greet all friends, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Last year, one of JJ’s sunday school friend, sent him a Christmas card. JJ was so happy. It reminds me to my childhood. I had always been so happy when I received some Christmas cards from my relatives and friends. And I was so happy to list down my friends’ name and sent Christmas card to them. Every time, one month before Christmas, I bought so many Christmas cards. I have one aunty who has a printing business and her company will also prints Christmas cards, so sometime I will also get some from her. I bought stamps and put on the envelope, went to the post office. Well, it was so amazing.

It last only until I had my first mobile phone. I forgot the enjoyment sending Christmas card, I send sms to my friends and my relatives. Until today, I have never sent any Christmas card to my relatives and friends anymore.

This year, JJ and TT have already made some greeting cards, to me and my husband on The mothers’ day and The Fathers’ day, to their teacher on The Teachers’ day and also made two handmade cards for SPCA Fun Raising.

That gives me an idea to let my kids send some Christmas Cards to their relatives and friends this year. They made some Christmas card by them selves but I did not ask them to make those cards all by them selves because it will be quite numbers of Christmas cards, therefore I also bought some Christmas cards. I asked them to list down some of their friends and sent Christmas cards to their friends and relatives.

JJ and TT were so excited when they found out about this plan and they started to tell me names  of their friends.

Finally, here are some cards that they made it by them selves. Those cards are for their classmates. Simple but they made those cards with whole-hearted

christmas card 1 christmas card 2 christmas card 3

Well, still not forgetting to tell them the real meaning of Christmas. It is not just a season holiday and only having fun with family and friends. We explain to them that the true meaning of Christmas is the born of Jesus Christ and the purpose of His coming to this world.

“The very purpose of Christ’s coming into the world was that He might offer up His life as a sacrifice for the sins of men.  He came to die.  This is the heart of Christmas”.
–Rev. Billy Graham–